How To Effectively Manage Helicoverpa Armigera (Fruit Borer) In Chilli.
Chilli fruit borer ( Helicoverpa Armigera ) is a polyphagous pest known to attack the crop severely and effects the crop yield. Young larvae feed on the flower buds and young pod by making circular hole. Normally the larvae feed on the seeds with its head inside the pod and rest of the body outside. Singham is a Non-systemic stomach and contact insecticide containing formulation of Labmdacyhalothrin (5% EC) with little fumigant action. It has quick knockdown effect on the pests. Recommendations For Use: CROP TARGET PEST DOSAGE/ACRE (ML) Rice Stem Borer, Leaf-Folder, Hispa, Gall Midge, Thrips 100 Cotton Boll worms & Jassids, White-flies, Thrips & Aphids 120-200 Chilli Thrips, Mites, Pod borer 120-150 Onion Thrips 120-150 Brinjal & Tomato Fruit and Shoot Borer & Fruit Borer 120-150 Mango Hoppers 0.5 to 1ml/Lt of water Red-gram Pod borer, Pod Fly 160-200 Click Here - http://www.novaagris...