
Showing posts from December, 2019

How To Effectively Manage Helicoverpa Armigera (Fruit Borer) In Chilli.

Chilli fruit borer ( Helicoverpa Armigera ) is a polyphagous pest known to attack the crop severely and effects the crop yield. Young larvae feed on the flower buds and young pod by making circular hole. Normally the larvae feed on the seeds with its head inside the pod and rest of the body outside. Singham is a Non-systemic stomach and contact insecticide containing formulation of Labmdacyhalothrin (5% EC) with little fumigant action. It has quick knockdown effect on the pests. Recommendations For Use: CROP TARGET PEST DOSAGE/ACRE (ML) Rice Stem Borer, Leaf-Folder, Hispa, Gall Midge, Thrips 100 Cotton Boll worms & Jassids, White-flies, Thrips & Aphids 120-200 Chilli Thrips, Mites, Pod borer 120-150 Onion Thrips 120-150 Brinjal & Tomato Fruit and Shoot Borer & Fruit Borer 120-150 Mango Hoppers 0.5 to 1ml/Lt of water Red-gram Pod borer, Pod Fly 160-200 Click Here -  http://www.novaagris...

Fly-N: Systemic Insecticide For Sucking Insects.

FLY-N is a global systemic insecticide of Neonicotinoide group that controls the sucking insects very effectively by its superior systemic action in different crops. Fly-N destroys the hiding insects for a longer time and has ability to control the insects that gained resistance against other insecticides. This can used in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programme and also compatible with other commonly used insecticides and fungicides. Recommendations For Use: CROP TARGET PEST DOSAGE/ACRE (GMS) Rice Green Plant Hopper, Brown Plant Hopper, White-Backed Plant Hopper 20-40 Cotton Aphids, White-flies, Jassids 20-40 Chilli Thrips 20-40 Bhendi Aphids 30 Click Here -

ENSAFE - A Mancozeb Fungicide For Controlling Fungal Diseases.

ENSAFE (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% W.P) is a systemic contact fungicide that effectively controls the fungal diseases by its systemic and Contact action. It helps in increasing the production of field crops and groundnut. It is a suitable fungicide for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and is compatible with commonly used insecticides and fungicides. Recommendations for Use: CROP DISEASES DOSAGE/ACRE (ML) PADDY BLAST, BROWN LEAF SPOT 300 GROUNDNUT LEAF SPOT AND RUST 200 Click Here -

N-Courage Gold: Plant Growth Regulator For Effective Crop Management.

The Physiological processes of plants are modified by the plant growth regulators that act on the plant cells to trigger enzymes or systems which help to regulate metabolism of plants. N-Courage Gold is an Eco-friendly, organic, biological nutrient granules that nourishes both the soil and crop. It works through enzyme activity that enhance the natural growth and development of plant by maintaining a balanced food web and healthy soil.  N-Courage Gold acts as soil conditioner which improves soil aggregate structure, Porosity,  pH, soil biological activity, loosens soil and reduces heavy metal availability, salt ion damage to seeds and seedlings. It enhances growth of root system and enables the roots to uptake more nutrients from the applied fertilizers and strengthens plant resistance mechanism to Biotic and Abiotic stresses. It also balances endogenous hormone and uniform maturity of the crop. Click Here -


NOVA RIDER is a Broad spectrum systemic insecticide having quick action for controlling wide range of sucking pests in Cotton, Paddy, Bhendi, and other Cereals.It has the ability to protect seeds and plants from a broad spectrum of sucking, chewing and soil pests while providing a positive impact to plant health in many crops. Rider provides long-lasting control from a broad spectrum of insects by stopping pests feeding within hours of ingestion and preventing subsequent crop damage. It enhances strong crop Vigor and Density to maximize crop potential and enhance the yield under a wide-range of growing conditions and also acts as seed dresser for controlling Jassids, Aphids and White-flies in many crops. Recommendations For Use: CROP TARGET PEST DOSAGE ML/KG SEED COTTON JASSIDS, APHIDS, WHITEFLY 10 ML SORGHUM/MAIZE SHOOT FLY 10 ML WHEAT TERMITES 3.3 ML OKRA JASSIDS 5.7 ML RICE GLH , WHORL MAGGOT 3 ML SUNFLOWER JAS...

NOVA DECIDER: An Effective Granular Soil Application For Controlling Stem Borers in Paddy.

 Nova Decider is a Nicotine-based systemic granular soil application contains Imidacloprid an active ingredient which gives a good control of Borers and sucking pest in Paddy. It is an easy to use insecticide which acts effectively on nervous system of insects. Application of decider in the soil improves the number of effective tillers in a hill. NOVA DECIDER is absorbed through roots that effectively controls stem borer in paddy and increase the yield by reducing the damage of Productive tillers. Recommendations for use: Crop Target Pest Dosage Paddy Stem Borer 15 Kg/Ha Click Here -

NOVA VALOUR- A Systemic Fungicide to control Powdery Mildew.

NOVA VALOUR is an unique Systemic Fungicide belongs to Triazole Group contains Myclobutanil 10% WP for Controlling  Powdery Mildew in various crops. Periodic usage of VALOUR controls Powdery Mildew and Leaf Spots in Chillies, Grapes and Scab in Apples. It contains triple action effect as Curative, Eradicative and Protective. It breaks the Ergo Sterol Synthesis to Arrest the Growth of Fungus in the Plant.The product is compatible for most of the Insecticides and Fungicides. NOVA VALOUR shows Zero Traces on plant and product. Recommendations for Usage: CROP DISEASES DOSAGE/ACRE FORMULATION(GM) WAITING PERIOD(DAYS) CHILLI POWDERY MILDEW 100 GMS 3 CHILLI LEAF SPOT 100 GMS CHILLI  DIE BACK OF CHILLIES 100 GMS GRAPES POWDERY MILDEW 100 GMS 15 APPLE SCAB 0.4 GMS PER LTR OF WATER/(10 LTRS OF WATER PER PLANT) 21 Click Here-